Victoria and Ben Huntingtons wedding Saturday 23rd September 2017

October 2nd, 2017 by Danny Reed

Bens Comments 

"Hi Stan, thankyou so much for your kind words and for putting on a fantastic show, we did not stay to see all of your set, the wife felt unwell and wanted to go home, but from what I did see, I was over the moon and so were the guests the were there to see you. A lot of people had to leave to go to other engagements but the people who were there were very impressed." 

Ben Huntington 

Most popular songs

Cool Mr.Dean Martin

  • That's amore
  • Memories are made of this

Quirky Mr.Frank Sinatra

  • Fly me to the moon
  • New York New York

The Upbeat Bobby Darin

  • Beyond the Sea
  • Mack the Knife